Providenciales Primary & Middle School:
Turks & Caicos Islands
British West Indies
Tel: +1 (649) 333 5638
Director & Primary School Principal:
Mr Toby Barkworth-Knight
Middle School Principal:
Mr Jason McCreedy
Facebook: /ProvidencialesPrimarySchool
Instagram: /provo_primary_middle_school/
Upcoming Dates:
Our school calendar and Term Dates can be found here.
Mon 20th – Fri 24th Middle School Assessment week
Wednesday 22nd #1 School Photo Day (Individual/Siblings)
Friday 24th PTA Movie Night, 5:30pm
Tuesday 28th Middle School Open House for Parents 4-6pm
Wednesday 29th #2 School Photo Day (Class Photos)
Friday 31st Dress Down Day - Numbots and Rock Stars!
Friday 31st Middle School Social Evening, 5-8pm
Wednesday 5th TCI Let’s Move (Y3/4) PE Session
Friday 7th Y1-6 Primary School Reports Issued
Mon 10th - Thurs 13th Primary School Parent Meetings (no after-school clubs this week)
Wednesday 12th KS2 (Y3-6) Home Learning Showcase for Parents, 2:30pm
Mon 17th – Fri 21st Mid-Term break. School closed
Thursday 27th Primary School Storytelling Evening 5-6pm
Friday 28th World Book Day - Primary & Middle School Book Character Dress Up
Middle School Mid-Year Reports Issued
Monday 3rd PTA Meeting, 8:30am - Middle School Dining Area
Monday 4th National Education Week: Primary Local Studies Competition
Thursday 6th National Education Week: Middle School Science Fair
Friday 8th National Education Week: Primary School Open House for Parents -
‘Critical Thinking and Problem Solving’. T-JK: 8:15 - 9:00am, SK-Y6: 2:15 – 2:50pm
Monday 10th Commonwealth Day (Public Holiday). School closed.
Week of March 17th EY sports days. Further details to follow
Thurs 20th - Fri 21st Year 5 Overnight Residential Trip to North/Middle Caicos
Thurs 20th - Sat 22nd Inter High School Track & Field Competition (TBC)
Wednesday 26th KS2 (Y3-6) Home Learning Showcase for Parents, 2:30pm
Friday 28th Final After-School Club for Term 2 (unless make-ups required)
Friday 28th Dress Down Day
Monday 31st Middle School Parent Meetings (Years 8 and 9)
Friday 28th Teacher Appreciation Day
Tuesday 1st Middle School Parent Meetings (Year 7).
Wednesday 2nd Fri 4th - Inter Primary Track & Field Competition (National Stadium)
Friday 4th Last day of Spring Term. Dress Down Day. EY Spring Bonnet Parade. PTA Egg Hunt.
School closes half day - 12 noon / full day - 3pm
Mon 7th - Mon 21st Easter Holiday. School closed
Tuesday 22nd “Teacher In-Service Training”. School closed
Wednesday 23rd First day of Summer Term (Term 3)
With thanks to our Scholarship Supporters:
We thank the following businesses for supporting the Provo Primary & Middle School Scholarship Programme this year: