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Outstanding Pupil Progress


At Provo Middle School, we track every child’s progress and attainment carefully. This enables us to plan future teaching to meet the needs of each student.

Our students make outstanding progress, regardless of their starting point in Year 7. Our mixed ability classrooms create a diverse learning environment that helps to ensure excellent progress for all.

We track the progress made by our graduating Year 9 pupils each year. We are proud of our excellent record attainment and progress.

Pupil Progress table:

Students are assessed against the UK Standards for Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9), using the numerical scale adopted in 2017.


Tracking student attainment against this scale, we can see that progress is made across all core subjects at Provo Middle School.


This consistent and excellent progress has enabled our students to successfully gain entry to a range of schools for their ongoing education:

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