Toddler programme
Our Toddler Programme provides developmentally appropriate activities for children between 12 months and 2 years, in a small group setting.
Our Toddler day begins between 8.15 – 8:30 am when children are welcomed into our colourful and exciting, air conditioned soft play room. Once there, the children say goodbye to their mums or dads, greet their friends and teachers and visit their favourite areas, while curiously investigating the range of fun activities on offer that day.
Daily activities include...
- Settling in time and free play
- Arts and craft activities relating to seasonal and age appropriate topics
- Science and investigative activities
- Circle, singing and story time
- Soft-play time
- Outdoor play
- Role play
- Developmental toys and stacking and sorting activities
- Introduction to Letterland and Number work.

Topic themes are introduced for the class to explore together, helping to make learning fun and meaningful.
Our outdoor areas offer children the opportunity to further practise their gross motor skills whilst having fun and interacting with each other on a range of bikes, swings and climbing apparatus.
The day ends when parents arrive to pick them up at 12.00 pm and they bid their friends and teachers goodbye.
The session includes a healthy snack time (provided by parents). All children should bring with them plenty of water, milk or 100% juice to drink and healthy snacks including fruit and/or vegetables.
A change of clothes should also be provided along with the necessary diapers, wipes etc.
We also offer a full-day programme that ends at 3:00 pm. After eating their lunch, children will have a rest period, in which some children may nap. We provide rest mats and sheets and encourage you to bring a familiar blanket for your child. Classroom afternoon activities continue after this time, ending with a story and song circle time and outside play, before heading home.