Welcome to Provo Primary School
We view every child as strong, capable, independent, curious, and full of imagination. We empower children to think, question, investigate, explore, reason and help navigate the journey of learning.
This approach leads to students taking ownership of their learning and thus the development of key life skills such as independence, communication, problem solving, creativity and much more.
Our teachers are experts at leading engaging and exciting learning, designed within topic lead, project-based scenarios. Connections are made across many subjects in the curriculum, blending the learning within the context of life. Rather than the traditional "chalk and talk - stand up the front and teach" our teachers guide, listen, observe and collaborate with the students. Our teachers are viewed as a partner in learning with the children and always try and foster an fun atmosphere of mutual respect. This environment has been proven to nurture and develop enthusiastic, confident and empathetic learners, who make great academic progress too, setting the foundations for the next steps of their learning and beyond.
We believe that learning is best achieved through doing. If our students can experience something, whether at school or in the community, that is always our first choice!
Creating a life long love of learning​...
At Provo Primary School, we aim to...
- offer a school experience that places each child in the driving seat of their own learning.
- nuture happy, kind and successful global citizens who have a deeper understanding of who they are and how they aspire to contribute to their world.
- constantly develop and improve the school's provision to offer students the best learning experience possible, every single day.
- make sure that we respect and work with our local and internationally diverse community so we can grow together.
- support excellent academic progress for our students, so that they may enjoy experiences and opportunites in the future.
- ensure pupils have the digital skills, tools and knowledge to be a productive and healthy member of digital communities and the online world.
- create positive and healthy mental foundations, by encouraging empathy and kindness to others while developing mindfulness and balance for themselves.