‘A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.’
(The British National Curriculum, 2014)
Computing plays a very prominent role in our school curriculum. We aim to ensure that all children are confident and have the necessary skills to understand and use computing to their fullest potential. In order to achieve this we have a commitment to ensure that the children have access to the most up to date equipment we can provide.
Our computer suite has 10 fully networked computers. Each classroom also has its own computer and Interactive Whiteboard. These are used on a daily basis to enhance the children’s learning in computing and other curriculum lessons. Each class has allocated times in our computer suite each week and use the computers to develop computing skills along with supporting Literacy, Numeracy, Science and the foundation subjects. Many of the computers are laptops, so may also be taken to be used throughout the school. We also have a tablet trolley which houses a class set of tablets.
Alongside a range of programs and apps, additional technology tools are available as an integral support to all curriculum subject areas, including digital cameras,’Makey Makey’ interface controllers, digital monitors and programmable robot floor turtles.
The Curriculum:
Our aim at Provo Primary School is to deliver Computing as a dynamic, exciting and creative area of learning. We believe that computing should be a subject that is aligned with ‘real-world’ Computing and reflects its incredibly important position in our everyday lives.
We strive to develop safe, responsible and competent learners who are creative, curious and logical as they navigate, investigate and contribute to the world around them.
Our Computing curriculum is organised into five main areas: Programming, Multimedia, Handling Data, Technology in our Lives and E-safety.
E-safety is an increasingly essential life-skill in our modern world and our school is fully aware of its responsibility in helping the children stay safe. E-Safety is partly delivered through PSHE and partly through the Computing lessons. It is sometimes delivered discretely but often addressed when questions arise during study of the other areas of Computing or indeed any other subject.
Computing is an integral part of cross-curricular teaching and learning at Provo Primary and, in particular, the STEM subjects of Science, Design Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.