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Welcome to Early Years

We are excited to be partnering with you during the most intense period of development your child will ever experience. In these wonderful early childhood years, your family will develop patterns and habits, and your child will develop brain architecture and learning styles, all of which will shape lives. These early years of development are critical for providing a firm foundation in cognitive, language, and motor development, as well as social, emotional, regulatory, and moral development. Stimulating, nurturing, and stable relationships with parents and other caregivers are of prime importance to children’s healthy development.

Research shows that play opportunities and environments that promote play, exploration and hands-on learning are at the core of effective pre-primary programmes. It fuels curiosity, sparks creativity, and inspires a lifelong love of learning. Children who play pick up all kinds of skills to thrive today – and lay the foundations for a happier, healthier life tomorrow.

Our Early Years department understands the research and puts it into practice within a safe, friendly, supportive and nurturing environment. We can be your perfect partner.

Play-Based Learning: Why it Matters - Preschool Inspirations








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