‘Mathematics is important in everyday life. It equips pupils with logical reasoning and problem-solving skills, and the ability to think in an abstract way. Mathematics is a creative discipline. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, or suddenly sees hidden connections.’
(The British National Curriculum)
Following the British National Numeracy Strategy for Mathematics, we aim to provide children with a firm foundation in Mathematics and set ambitious targets for raising standards in these key skills as they progress through the school. It is important that children should experience success in mathematics and develop a positive attitude towards it.
We encourage our students to develop their knowledge and understanding through practical activities, exploration and discussion.
We use a balance of direct teaching, interactive oral work and practical investigation that aims to cater to each child’s preferred learning style.
Children are encouraged to use manipulatives, computers and other learning tools to help them to develop a more concrete understanding of the concepts that are been explored.
We put a strong emphasis on mental calculation and encourage the children to talk about and share their methods when solving problems.
Children are also given the opportunities to use the skills and concepts they have acquired in other subject areas.