Our Campus
The moment you step foot into the school grounds, you sense that you are entering a warm, child centered and environmentally friendly learning environment. You immediately become aware of the strong sense of community, as you observe children playing happily and sharing their good morning greetings with friends, parents and teachers.
The surrounding gardens and play areas have been thoughtfully landscaped. Our key aim is always to keep as much of the local vegetation as possible. A network of pathways connect through the playground to different play areas.
In our main playground we have 2 large play equipment structures, a 6 swing swing-set, an artificial grass pitch, a garden area and a stage There is also a separate age-appropriate play area for Toddlers – Junior Kindergarten children.
Similarly, in our Middle School, students' play and social areas are carefully planned. Our students enjoy active and healthy breaktimes, as they socialise and play together. As their relationships change, so do the facilities offered to support their free time. A full sized half-court for basketball and soccer, along with our shady dining area, offer great places for students gather.
The Classrooms
We believe that children learn in response to their environments and deserve to work in vibrant classrooms that stimulate and hold their concentration. We strive to provide learning environments that challenge and celebrate the children’s learning.
Computing and technology play a very prominent role in our school curriculum. We ensure that all children are confident and have the necessary skills to understand and use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to their fullest potential. In order to achieve this, all students have their own Chromebooks from Year 3 onwards.
We have a class set of iPads andChromebooks which are used in ICT and Computing, and whenever children's learning can be truly transformed.
We have a well stocked library of fiction and non-fiction books, and a music room which homes our own steel pan drums.
Our Surrounding Area
We are fortunate to be located right next to some amazing sporting facilities, including the Graceway Sports Center, TCIFA football field and the National Athletics Stadium. All of these venues are used to enhance the delivery of our Physical Education curriculum.
Learning environments are designed to stimulate play and exploration
Primary School Football Teams - Turks & Caicos Islands F.A.Champions!
Minecraft Competition Winners - Design your school on Minecraft!
Please allow some of our students to your you around the school themselves!
We know that many of our new families begin searching for a School in the Turks & Caicos Islands from afar. We want to help you to imagine the warm and child-centered atmosphere of Providenciales Primary & Middle School.
Using the Minecraft build tool, these students created our entire school grounds for you to visit. Who better to tour you around our school than our own students?
We look forward to welcoming you soon, in person, for a tour!